
Soccer Will Get Its First Rooney Rule

The Rooney Rule has been established in the NFL since 2003 and now, England’s Football League is proposing to follow suit. The proposal would require clubs to interview at least one certified “black, Asian and minority candidate” in their hiring process.

Earlier this year, Dan Rooney sat down in an interview to urge The Football League to consider adopting the view. . During it, Rooney was quick to point out the impact the rule has had on the NFL.

“Before the Rooney Rule, we only had two coaches out of 32. We tried a lot of things. We brought experts in, things like this. After that, we had eight or nine coaches out of 32, which is a very good number.”

The rest of the ten minute interview is shared below.

Currently, England’s league has less than six percent of minority managers. If the rule passes, it will be implemented during the 2016-2017 season. It’s a concept the league has considered since at least 2011.

Football chairman Greg Clarke thanked Rooney in a statement for his support in advocating this potential rule change.

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